More will be revealed…. What??? You may have heard this phrase in a meeting or from a sponsor and thought, “What don’t I know already?” This phrase isn’t actually part of the original text of Alcoholics Anonymous, but may have derived from these sentences found on page 164 (spoiler alert if you don’t know how the book ends!): “Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. God will constantly disclose more to you and to us.” More???

The truth is recovery isn’t just about abstinence from alcohol (or drugs, food, gambling etc). Recovery is about learning to live life fully, freely, and striving to reach our full potential. To do that, AA suggests getting a sponsor, working the steps, and practicing these principles in all our affairs. This then gets us on a stronger playing field and prepares us for striving to live a balanced, sober life. But what comes next is as transformational as sobriety itself. Strap yourself in for this ride, as we get ready to be rocketed into the fourth dimensionThis is where “more will be revealed” comes in!

Going back to page 164… the basic text states: “Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny.” I interpret that statement as seeking to find and hopefully fulfill my purpose, while keeping an attitude of honesty, openness and willingness to pave the way for new understanding.

This all sounds so slick doesn’t it? You may be thinking, “hold on, I’m stuck in my step work” (or haven’t started); “I worked my steps but I’m going nowhere.” Or, maybe you are brand new in sobriety and befuddled by all of this! Don’t worry, We got you covered!

Join us as we take you on an adventure of self-discovery to uncover what may be holding you back (shame, guilt, low self-esteem, etc.), and how to learn to release these toxic beliefs about ourselves. It’s going to be eye opening, informative and hopefully life changing!

Together, let’s harness the power of sober women to overcome what holds us back, and become the women we were meant to be.