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So far Arc Media has created 17 blog entries.

Summer Retreat 2019

2019-04-05T19:39:32+00:00April 5th, 2019|

THE JOURNEY CONTINUES...RESIDENCE XII SUMMER RETREAT 2019 More will be revealed.... What??? You may have heard this phrase in a meeting or from a sponsor and thought, "What don’t I know already?" This phrase isn’t actually part of the original text of Alcoholics Anonymous, but may have derived from these sentences found on page [...]

How Residence XII Saved My Life

2019-04-10T00:58:40+00:00April 5th, 2019|

By: Kirie Pedersen In 1982, I completed a Master’s degree in writing with Annie Dillard as thesis chair. I bought a sprawling farmhouse on the edge of Bellingham, and I married a handsome young rock musician. I was hired as a vocational rehabilitation counselor. Despite all those apparent blessings, after ten years without drinking, [...]

The Foundation of My Sobriety

2019-01-10T23:51:32+00:00January 10th, 2019|

By: Kira L.   Residence XII Alumnae Committee President Is sobriety all that we can expect of a spiritual awakening? No, sobriety is only a bare beginning. As Bill Sees It. P. 8 "Practicing the AA program is like building a house. First, I had to pour a big, thick concrete slab on which [...]

Gratitude Changes Your Brain

2018-11-09T22:26:49+00:00November 9th, 2018|

By: Brenda Reiss Hello, my name is Brenda Reiss and I’m a forgiveness coach.  I’m also an alumnus of Residence XII and celebrated 15 years of sobriety last August for which I am forever grateful. Did you know that gratitude has the power to change your brain by reshaping your neural pathways?  And that [...]

My Empty Nest

2018-09-10T19:31:29+00:00September 4th, 2018|

By: Roberta Romero   I love this time of year. When you wake up and the temperature may be 70 degree’s, but you can tell by the smell in the air and the feel of the sun, it’s Fall, not Spring. The cooler temperatures revive me and I like getting back into the routine [...]

The ABC’s of I-O-P

2018-05-08T20:52:49+00:00May 3rd, 2018|

By Roberta Romero “I can’t take time off from work”, “my kids need me”, “I have too many obligations”. Yes, we know that life can make it hard to take time for yourself even when it comes to something as critical as your inability to get and stay sober! At Residence XII, we have [...]

Discovering My Bold Heart

2018-05-03T19:44:21+00:00May 3rd, 2018|

By Mary Melcher Twenty Six years ago I walked out the door of Residence XII sober, searching for a program that would continue to help me in my recovery. Today, still sober, I am blessed to be able to help others who walk that same path. In 1992, I had just turned 30 and looking [...]

Youth Mental Health Town Hall

2018-02-09T16:13:41+00:00February 9th, 2018|

Residence XII Public Relations Specialist, Roberta Romero, moderated the Youth Mental Health Town Hall recently at the Kirkland Performance Center. This was a forum produced in partnership with the Kirkland Chamber and Evergreen Health to better educate the community on the staggering mental health challenges our youth are facing. The meeting featured a panel [...]