By: Tamara Dyer
As a mental health intern, I work with the patients at residence XII for an entire year. It is an honor of a lifetime to do this work, to watch and be part of women connecting with their own majesty. While teaching classes recently, I have watched one of our patients take refuge in deep sofas – with blankets over her legs and a hot water bottle at her back. This patient looked exhausted, spoke almost not at all and she seemed to find comfort in fleece, flannel and shades of grey.
In the latest Spirituality discussion, I noticed that she was more engaged than in previous weeks – she contributed her thoughts to the group discussion and when the class ended, she walked out of the room in conversation with another patient. And now, three weeks after she entered treatment, I saw her in the lunchroom – in jeans, boots and a leopard print sweater… her face vibrant with life-force.
“You look like a totally different person” is an expression I have used several times in my life, but until I saw this patient’s beaming face today, I had never actually witnessed the physical and energetic transformation that is the depth of this expression. This patient looked like a totally different person – a woman now connected to her own vitality, courage, creativity, and self-love.
Welcome back, the world wants and needs you!